How to connect AR Proactive to DataRelay (from PCC)
- Below is how to connect DataRelay (from PointClickCare) to AR Proactive (ARP).
- DataRelay is a copy of your PCC database. We access this database copy to provide you these features and reporting:
- Percent Collected report
- Cash vs. Revenue report
- DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) report
- Collection Activity notes (historical and current), Payer Template notes, "Notes tab" import to the AR Aging page
If you get stuck PCC support is: (905) 858-8885,
Step 1. Request PCC to give you access to DataRelay
Contact PCC support (905) 858-8885 ( to request access to your DataRelay.
Complete these steps with your PCC representative:- Sign an LOA (letter of authorization) giving PCC permission to share your data with an outside vendor like us (AR Proactive)
- Set up a DataRelay Microsoft SQL 2022 version (or 2019 version, but not 2016)
- Generate a "full backup" and begin "hourly" backups (which are also known as "log files")
- Supply PCC with these vendor contact details: Rich Handler, CEO, (414) 699-2541,
It takes PCC about 2-5 business days to supply DataRelay FTP credentials after you make the request them. When you receive them, proceed to Step 2 below.
Step 2. Send us your PCC DataRelay FTP credentials
PCC will supply you with the following credentials.
Please email the following credentials from PCC (if PCC does not copy us on the emails):
- FTP credentials to download the "full backup" of your PCC database, and then "hourly backups" (aka "log files) of your new data. The credentials consist of:
- The FTP username you need will be in the form
[org code]rdbuser
. (The other FTP usernames, like[org code]ftpuser
and[org code]emaruser
and are not relevant, and will not work for this setup.) - The FTP password
- The FTP folder that will contain
files which are RedGate SQL Server backup files.
- The FTP username you need will be in the form
- Decryption password for us to use with Redgate software, to decrypt the above backup
files. (Since 1/25/25, the password is a 12+ character, strong password. Prior to 1/25/25, the password was usually in the form ofPcc+[org /code]=$uccess
We will begin setting up your DataRelay database after we receive these details. It takes us about 2 weeks to set up.
You're done!
You may choose to host your own DataRelay database.
- It is recommended that you complete Steps 1 and 2 above, and that AR Proactive host your DataRelay database. If that is not possible, then you can optionally host your own DataRelay database. This is described in Steps 3 and 4 below.
- Host your own database if you have an IT team, and/or you already host your own DataRelay database.
- If you don't know what this option is, then skip steps 3 and 4.
Step 3 (OPTIONAL). Set up your Microsoft SQL Server to host your DataRelay database
- Create a Microsoft SQL Server in which you make the DataRelay database available.
- Use MS SQL Server from 2012 and more recent
- Use full (standard) installation, not "express"
- Host the Microsoft SQL Server on
- an Azure VM (virtual machine), or AWS EC2 Windows instance, or a physical Windows server.
These will all support the necessary "automated restore from backup" and other features highlighted below. - Do not use Azure SQL Database, or Azure SQL Managed Instance, because these do not support "automated restore from backup".
- See the comparison table taken from this link.
- The host machine will need aroun 32GB RAM, and enough hard drive space to hold the large backup files.
- an Azure VM (virtual machine), or AWS EC2 Windows instance, or a physical Windows server.
- Your IT team (or a third-party IT vendor) can help you.
- AR Proactive does not provide this service, but we can guide you. We also connect you with a third-party IT vendor to help you set it up.
- Read the following links from PCC to learn how DataRelay works:
ℹ️ The following step is optional. See the blue information box above.
Step 4 (OPTIONAL). Send us the login to your DataRelay database (Microsoft SQL Server)
Send an email to with the following information. (Your IT team can supply this info after completing Step 2 above.)
- host name or IP address of Microsoft SQL Server containing your PCC DataRelay
- username (you create this, and it should be read-only, and limited only to the PCC DataRelay database we need)
- password
- port number
- database name
- Tell us about your DataRelay refresh times.
This is important because when a refresh occurs, our connection to your database is terminated, and we cannot pull your data. Please answer the following:- What times of day is your DataRelay refreshed? Meaning how many minutes past the hour, and during what times of day e.g. 8:25am CST, 9:25am CST etc.
- How long does each refresh take? Meaning, is the duration of refresh 1 minute or 10 minutes for example? You can estimate if you're not sure.
- What times of day is the DataRelay refresh paused? This is when we will pull your data. E.g. refreshes are paused 1am CST to 5am CST.
- Are the following IP addresses permanently whitelisted on your DataRelay server firewall? (Meaning, we should not get removed from your whitelist even if our query takes a long time.) (Ignore this if you don't have a firewall.)
- (application server)
- (VPN for AR Proactive)
- (VPN for AR Proactive)
- We will begin setting up your DataRelay database after we receive these details.