Percent Collected Report (PCC)

See what percent of your billed amounts have been paid.

  1. About this report
  2. Turn on the Percent Collected Report
  3. Calculating the Percent Collected
  4. Using the report
  5. Common questions

About this report

  • The Percent Collected Report tells you what percentage of your revenue has been collected (paid).  It appears on the Dashboard page.
  • It is available for companies who use (PCC), and have DataRelay enabled.
  • It's calculated by Date of Service (DOS).  We compare Revenue, AR, Credits and Writeoffs by DOS.  Therefore even if a payment is received many months after charge was posted (as revenue), the payment will be related back to the DOS in which the revenue was recognized.  
  • Here's a quick video of some of the features of the report:


Turn on the Percent Collected Report

  • First, connect PointClickCare DataRelay to ARP.
  • Then, send an email to with this information:
    1. Which General Ledger (GL) codes do you use for Writeoffs?  
      1. Meaning, which GL numbers do you use for write-offs that are both uncollectable and non-reimbursable?  (For example, do not include "Medicare Coinsurance Bad Debt" because that’s theoretically reimbursable.)  
      2. You can get this information from your AR or accounting department. 
      3. We use this information to correctly calculate the Percent Collected.  We also check if the Transaction Type code is "X" to know if it's a writeoff.
      4. If you don't know the GL codes that are writeoff's, we can still run the Percent Collected report, but it will not be completely accurate. 
    2. What Payer Types do you use for financial reporting: regular or custom? 
      1. Meaning, do you use the regular Payer Types that appear in the PCC AR Aging for financial reporting (and the Percent Collected report)?  (This is common.)  If so, you don't need to do anything.  We will get the groupings of Payer Names into Payer Types from DataRelay.
      2. Or, do you use custom Payer Types (not like the PCC AR Aging) for financial reporting?  Meaning, your CFO or finance team uses customized groupings of Payer Names into Payer Types (which are different from how the PCC AR Aging groups them by default). (This is less common).  If so, please send a spreadsheet of every Payer Name, and to which Payer Type they belong. 


Calculating the Percent Collected

  • The formula is: Percent Collected = 


  •  where
    • Collectable Revenue = the sum of journal entries (JE's) that are classified as Revenue (meaning, no JE's that are AR or Writeoffs)
    • Aging Balance = the sum of JE Revenue + JE Writeoffs + Cash Aging
    • Credit Balance =  the sum of JE Revenue + JE Writeoffs + Cash Aging, that result in a negative total per row
    • Writeoffs =  the sum of JE's that have GL codes that are designated by you as Writeoffs 

  • In simpler language: the Percent Collected is all Collectible Revenue minus any  Aging Balance, Credit Balance or WriteoffsThen divide that by the Collectable Revenue.  For example
    • if your Revenue is $100, and your Aging is $5, then percentage collected is 95% = (100 - 5) / 100.  (Assuming Credits and Writeoffs are $0).
    • if your Revenue is $100, and your Aging is $80, then percentage collected is 20% = (100 - 80) / 100.  (Assuming Credits and Writeoffs are $0).

    • if your Revenue is $100, and your Aging is $80, and your Credits are -$5, and your Writeoff's are -$10 then percentage collected is 5% as follows:
             = (100 - ( 80 - (-5) - (-10) ) / 100
             = ( 100 - ( 80 + 5 + 10) ) / 100
             = 5   / 100
             = 5%
      • From the above example: Writeoff's do not contribute to the Percent Collected.  Because, although 15% of the Aging was removed from the balance, only 5% is considered actually collected
  • The calculation generates a percentage per Facility, per Payer Type, per Payer, and per Resident.
  • Overpayments:

    • We consider overpayments to be 100% collected, not greater than 100%.  For example:
    • For patient Jon Doe, in Jan 2023 you billed $100 and received $120. We show this as 100% collected. (Not 120% collected.)
    • For patient Jane Smith, in Jan 2023 you billed $100 and received $80.  We show this as 80% collected. 
    • In other words, we don’t let overpayments “overflow” into another resident.  

How to Use the report

  • Filtering

    1. Open the Dashboard page
    2. Expand the Filter sidebar
    3. Click to filter by Facility, Payer Type, and Payer.

    4. Click Ok.  The Percent Collected will automatically update.  
    5. Share your filter view: click Share filter view button.    This will place a link on your clipboard.  Paste it into a chat or email to a teammate to share what you see with them.
    6. Save your filter view: click Save filter view > give it a name > choose private or public > Click Save
  • Posting Periods:

    • Select the Posting Period Through dropdown to select which Month End Close period you want to see.  By default we keep the last 24 months of Posting Periods.

    • The Posting Period Through controls all the cash that are included, and all the adjustments that are included in the calculation of % collected.  It includes all cash and adjustments up the end of the selected Posting Period.  And reports them by Date of Service (DOS).  So the report accounts for revenue adjustments to prior periods.
    • For example,
      • in January you post $1,000 of Medicare revenue for January DOS
      • in February you collect $500 for January DOS
      • in March you adjust it to $1,200 of Medicare revenue for January DOS
      • in April you collect $700 for January DOS
      • If you then select Posting Period Through for past months, you will see these percentages:
        • posting period through January: 0% collected
        • posting period through February: 50% collected
        • posting period through March: 41.6% collected ( = 500 / ( 1000 + 200 ) )
        • posting period through April: 100% collected
  • GL numbers used for write-offs:

    • Your team should tell us GL numbers that are both uncollectable and non-reimbursable (as described above in the section "How to turn on the Percent Collected Report").
    • If the write-off GL is used in revenue transactions (under Payer Setup in PCC), then it will not be treated as a write-off (auto-write-off).  For example, a therapy payer that you automatically write-off. 
    • If the write-off GL is used in cash transactions (under Bank Account Setup in PCC), then it will not be treated as a write-off.  This should be very uncommon.

Common questions


  1. Do Writeoff's affect the Percent collected?
    1. No, more detail here.
  2. When is the data on the report updated?
    1. The report is available monthly after you complete Month End Close (MEC) for all your Facilities.  
    2. You can check the status of closed facilities at: PCC > EMC > Operations > Close Current Periods.

  3. How do I see the transactions that make up each percentage?
    1. To see the underlying data that makes up a percentage, right-click on a cell, and select Drill down > Underlying data.
  4. Does the report account for revenue adjustments to prior periods? 
    1. Yes, more detail here.