Due to a known issue with USAePay.com, some eChecks payments are not being reported. To solve this issue, request a daily eCheck report, or switch to BanquestGateway.com.
You can ignore this article if you started accepting online pay after 11/1/2021, or you don't accept eChecks, or you don't use USAePay.com as your gateway.
- Every day an email with the subject "Online Payments" is sent to providers. It has an Excel attachment that lists eCheck and Credit Card payments. This file is used to post payments in your practice software.
- This email is sent daily at 6am CST, and lists payments you've received the previous day. (If there were no payments, you will not get an email.)
- Due to a known issue with USAePay.com (your payament gateway), some eChecks payments are not listed in the "Online Payments" email.
- (USAePay.com is aware of this issue, but we don't have an ETA for a fix.)
There are 2 options to solve this.
Solution #1. Daily email report
- There's an additional daily email report which will solve this.
- Contact Banquest (your payment processor) at support@banquest.com or 855.323.8300, to receive this email.
- Request Banquest to "Please email me the daily eCheck report from Global eTelecom (from Paya) of successful and failed eChecks to these email addresses: xxx@xxx.com ...".
- This eCheck report will contain a complete list of all eCheck payments. Use it to post eCheck payments. It will also tell you if an eCheck payment failed, so that you can let the patient know to re-attempt payment.
- If you're not sure if you're already getting this email, the subject is "Company Name - Merchant Deposit Detail date.xls" from Global eTelecom <eMagnus@globaletelecom.com>
- To see historical eCheck data, Banquest can issue you a login to myonlinereports.com (for password reset call 866.386.0409)
- (If you auto-post your payments into QS1 or Framework, you'll need to hand post these eCheck payments if they are not in the daily "Online Payments" email.)
Solution #2. Change payment gateways
- Because the issue is with USAePay.com (your payment gateway), some pharmacies are choosing to move off USAePay.com (where the issue exists) to Banquestgateway.com instead (where the issue is solved).
- Banquestgateway.com is our preferred payment gateway for new providers.
- Once you switch from USAePay.com to Banquestgateway.com, you will get one posting file that contains all eCheck (and Credit Card) payments.
Before doing Option #2, and making the switch, you should consider the following:
- any patients on autopay or with a card-on-file will need to re-enter their credit card number (or eCheck number) and click the box for "Autopay" again.
- This is because the credit card numbers / eCheck numbers cannot be copied from the old gateway to the new gateway (for security reasons).
- To see how many patients have card-on-file or are on Autopay, go to: Accounts > click Download Accounts.
- It's best practice to notify patients to go online to update their card number. You can see the patient email addresses in the Download Accounts file above.
- If they have Auto-pay turned on, they should do this before the next invoice mailing, so that their autopay does not decline.
- If there are many patients like who will need to re-enter their information, then Solution #1 above may be better for you.
- contact Banquest to request the move: support@banquest.com or 888.323.8300
- You may need to supply them your company name, and current username to USAePay.com.
- Banquest will email you after the gateway has been created.
- Forward the Banquest email to support@arproactive.com. Tell us what date we should make the switch from the old gateway to the new gateway.
- We will confirm the switch is complete.
- Notify patients to re-enter their card numbers (this is optional). If they don't re-enter their card number and they're on Autopay, they will receive an email notification telling them Autopay failed, and asking them to re-enter their card info.
- contact Banquest to request the move: support@banquest.com or 888.323.8300