Each patient balance passes through an automated workflow until the balance is paid.
Workflow Overview
- Each month, you (as the health provider) upload a patient statement file to AR Proactive. The replaces the step of printing to paper and stuffing envelopes.
- After we receive the file, we will send out invoices by paper, email (depending on delivery preference), and present the invoice online.
- During the month, payments go to you (the health provider) and you post (record) them in your practice software, as usual.
- The next month (or whenever you're ready to mail out bills), just upload the statement file again.
- If patient Jon Doe has paid, we will not take further action. We can see he has paid because the statement file will show a $0.00 balance for him.
- If he still has an outstanding balance, we will send out a reminder letter.
- At any point, you can Cancel or Pause the reminder letters by going to ARproactive.com > Login > Accounts > Jon Doe > select "Change status" dropdown.
- Both Cancelled and Paused balances will not have any communication sent to the patient. (The only difference is that: Cancelled balances do not appear on the Dashboard, whereas Paused balances do appear on the Dashboard.)
- When you Cancel or Pause a balance it only affects existing balances in AR Proactive. If the patient has new balances in your practice software, they will need to be separately Cancelled or Paused in AR Proactive.
- The Reminder Letter timing and wording are customizable. Click Contact Us below.
- After 4 reminder letters, you will be emailed that Jon Doe has completed our workflow and still has an outstanding balance. You can decide to send the account to human collections (our collections agency team) if you want.
- Invoice in Collections Pending will be available for 3 years.
The Late Fee
- If the patient hasn't paid, a late fee appears on Letter 2 (day 60). The same late fee appears on Letter 3 (day 90) and Letter 4 (day 120).
- The late fee is optional and you can customize the amount (default is $15) by contacting us.
- The late fee applies to all patients. There is not a way to turn on the late fee for some patients, and turn off for other patients.
- If you need to turn on a late fee for only select patients, then your practice software / pharmacy software may be able to do this.
- The late fee is added inside our system, but not inside your practice software. For example, if the patient's true balance is $100, we will print that the patient owes $100 + $15 late fee = $115.
- You can offer to waive the late fee, and let the patient pay the actual balance of $100
- If the patient does pay the full $115, then when you post the cash receipt in your practice software, you may need to adjust off the $15 credit with an adjustment reason like "Late fee payent".
How do I See the Status of each Balance?
To see where each patient balance is in the Workflow, you have a few options, which are listed below:
1. Dashboard
On the Dashboard page, you can see where patient balances are in the Workflow, broken out by branch/location. The Dashboard is a summary view.
To see the individual balances, click on any Dashboard balance.
2. Accounts listing
On the Accounts page, you can see each patient balance and its status in the "Status" column. This is a detail view.
- To sort by status, click the "Status" column heading.
- To filter by status, use the "Status" dropdown on the left of the screen.
- To see more results per page, click the "5, 10, 25, 50" results counter at the bottom right.
3. Excel Download of Balance Statuses
On the Accounts page, click "Download Balances" to get an Excel listing of every balance and it's status.
- Open the Excel file, and turn on the Excel filter (select Menu > Data > Filter).
- To filter by status, click the dropdown on "STATUS" (column D).
- To open the balance directly in ARproactive.com to see a detailed view, click the patient "NAME" (column C). It will open in your browser.