Connect Klein System (NCS) to ARP

How to Connect AR Proactive to Klein System (NCS)

BackgroundNational Care Systems (Klein) - transparent

  • You have a Klein server which holds all your AR information. 
  • The Klein server is either hosted ("lives") on a computer that you manage (as a SNF operator or Billing Company), or your IT company manages. 
  • AR Proactive (ARP) needs to be able to read files from your Klein server computer, so we can import the data to ARP.
  • Therefore, install an FTP server (a secure, free program) on your Klein server computer.   This can be done by your in-house IT person, or outsourced IT company (Klein themselves cannot do it). Instructions are below.
  • If you get stuck:
    • Klein support: 718-765-0458,
    • AR Proactive support:

Step 1. Install Filezilla FTP server on your Klein Server

  1. Ask your IT person to install FileZilla server program on your Klein server computer by following these instructions in the video: 
  2. FileZilla Server is a free, secure, popular FTP server downloadable from
  3. During setup,  give ARP read-only access to P:\census folder (we don’t need access to the P:\ root folder). 
  4. Create a login as follows:
    1. username: arproactive 
    2. password: any random string of letters and numbers, at least 12 characters long. 
  5. Use port 8021
  6. Enable the following: Settings > Miscellaneous > enable “Allow downloading of file which are open for writing by another process” > Ok.  FileZilla setup


Step 2. Whitelist our IP addresses on your Firewall

If your Klein server computer has a firewall, please whitelist these IP address for port 8021 (or whichever port you chose above) so ARP can access the FTP server on the computer:

  • (this is ARP’s testing server)
  •  (this is ARP’s live server)
    • Above are the new IP's as of 3/1/24. Before then, it was (testing), (live)

Also make sure to whitelist these IP addresses in the "Intrusion Prevention" module of the your firewall (if applicable).


Step 3. Email the login info to AR Proactive

Email the login info to  It must include:

  1. FTP host IP (this is the IP address of your FileZilla server. We will attempt to connect to this IP address.)
  2. FTP host port (typically 8021, or the port you chose above)
  3. FTP Username (you choose this above)
  4. FTP Password (you choose this above)
  5. The list of facility names on the server that you would like us to load into ARP.  Ideally use the exact spelling as you have it in Klein.
  6. The name of the company (who owns the facilities).
  7. The website of the company (so we can identify it in our database)


    That’s it!   It takes us about 3 days to connect to your Klein Server.