See all your patients, their balances and their settings.
Company and location
The Company and location menu is used to search for the provider branch that you are looking for.
Left click on the drop down menu to show the branches you are looking for, then left click on the branch you want to search.
Below the Company and location menu, is the Status menu. In this menu, you will find the following statuses listed:
- All
- New
- Invoice
- Letter Series
- Collections Pending
- Collections
- Collections Complete
- Payment Plan
- Payment Plan Late
- Paid in Full/Adj.
- Paused
- Cancelled
Left click on the desired status from the menu. Once you left click on the status, the Accounts listed in the middle of the screen will filter for your chosen status.
Under the Status field, you have the option to search by patient name in the Name field.
After you enter the name of the Patient in the Name field, AR Proactive will automatically search for the name that you enter.
Account Number
Under the Name field, you have the option to search by patient Account Number in the Account Number field.
Once you have the Account number, type it in the Account field. AR Proactive will then automatically search for the Account number enter
Invoice Number
As an Admin, you also have the option to search for patients using the Invoice Number field.
Once you have the Invoice number, type it in the Invoice Number field. AR Proactive will then automatically search for the Invoice Number entered.
Rest and Search buttons
Left click the Reset button to reset the data on each menu and field.
Left click the Search to search each menu and field.
That’s it, you have now completed the overview of the Accounts tab.